Quickstart Guide
Get started quickly using our quickstart guide

Choose one of the available integration methods from a quick email sent to clients, to workflow integration using an iFrame or JavaScript.

Test & Customize
Test your integration using sample account and data to know exactly what you'll receive so there are no unexpected surprises.

Go to Production
Get your integration into production quickly by using your production ready keys and pointing to the production endpoint.
Integrate and get started quickly
We get it. It's hard to integrate things.

Choose from 3 different methods for integrating, with drop in JS or Simple Integration to complete backend for those looking for a more customized solution. All options are included with your API access so you can change your mind after.
Get started quickly and integrate your app, product or service the the Helium Verify API's.

Obtain your API Keys from the dashboard so you can be authenticated

Download the integration library for your method and language

Make your first request to make sure everything is connected properly
Step 1 Obtain your API Keys

We use API Keys to authenticate you to the API. These keys are included as an Authorization header when communicating with us by HTTPS. If you forget to included these keys or use incorrect keys the service will return 401 Unauthorized. Every account has two key pairs included. The first is for the Development environment where you make requests without worry of effecting clients or being billed and the second are for Production where making calls can effect clients.
View API Access Keys
Step 2 Download & Integrate

If you only want to try the Online or Email methods of integration you can jump right in from your Dashboard. Or if you want to follow our recommended integration methods and integrate with JavaScript, iFrame or the REST API, download our support library to get testing in Python or Bash command line scripting.
View the complete list of calls
View integration methods
Step 3 Move into Production

Switch your API entpoints from test.heliumverify.com to api.heliumverify.com and your API keys to the second set, then you'll start get real data for all the API's you're using.
View production calls
  • Bank Auth
  • Call & SMS Verification
  • MMS Verification
  • Video Verification
  • Geolocation
Use real data

Bank Authorization Demo
After making this API call successfully, you'll be returned a complete list of bank information available. This includes bank transaction history for every account we found, profile information such as name and address, email and phone number where applicable.

Use the the bank Test Bank with the username of passsword success and success.

This example is using our iFrame Integration

Try it

Start integrating today

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